the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog near the river bank.
the quick lady judge trashes the guy at the other side of the web at once.
for a misdirected thus misunderstood question: "just how long can one wait (don't mind this)"
the guy was not able to explain that the question being asked is a self-posed question and not addressed to anybody else. that's why there are words in parentheses.
well, this will surely be treated as a lame argument. it won't even be considered one. in fact, it will be inadmissible in court. because it is simply a personal testimony.
i know it's too late explaining... the damage has been done. but as they say "better late than later."
never before have i ever been as optimistic as now. to say that i'm hoping against hope is an understatement. i am knocking upon heaven's door.
i have no other choice.
it is the court of last resort, the ultimate halls where on can appeal...
that the fox and the dog can see eye to eye as before.
whew! (sana di halatang desperadong-desperado).