Theology 4
Christ and His Law of Love
Theology I -
“God” – _____________,_____________ Religion -_________________________
-gives everlasting life/happiness __________________________
Everlasting Happiness
Everlasting Life
Answer/ Happiness –unlimited/infinite
Answers : Philosophy/Ideology- Hedonism, Humanism, Marxism - limited
(Answers / Happiness) – finite / limited
Man’s Quest: Life? Meaning / Meaningful?
God: _________________, ________________________,
: gives everlasting life/happiness/complete meaning of life.
Revelation - recorded in the ___________
(ex. Torah, etc.)
Religion - ______________________________________________________
_____________: man’s response
Happiness/Life’s Meaning- infinite / unlimited
Life’s Meaning, Happiness – finite, limited
Man’s Quest : Life? Meaning/ Meaningful?
God Created all things , (world and the human persons). They were in “paradise”
Father : ------------Mission : Salvation
Prophets ---------Theology I
Priests ----- O. T.
God Jesus -----------Mission : Salvation / Kingdom -------- Theology II
------ N.T.(Gospels)
____________ : Mission : Salvation / Kingdom. --------- Theology III
(Apostles + Disciples)
------ Acts of the Apostles
And the Letters / Epistles.
Philippines Spain Rome Jerusalem
Theology IV
Living a Christian Life ( Morality )
Morality – science that deals with the quality of human acts.
- Practical Science (goodness/badness)
Morality and Humanization (What’s the relationship of morality
Who/What is man? With Humanization?
According to Natural Law ( Relationship of morality with human
Natural Law: Laws within Nature: Nature has its own laws, pattern, order. __________________________________________.
• Not following natural law will lead to destruction (calamity/sickness/death)
Man is:
1. Rational Being
- only animal who knows that he knows
- discovers things by reason
- has mind/intellect / reason
2. has freewill / freedom
- he is free to choose between good and evil
3. Man can love
- loving being
Love – willingly desire the good of others
4. Body Person
- has flesh (physical part)
- has connection to the material world
5. Unique Though Social
- Man is Social Being (live with others) but remains unique (in relation with others)
6. Historical
- Man has continuity with the past / also controlled by time and space
7. Transcendental:-(always aims higher, transcend his achievements. also has metaphysical aspect.___________________________)
B. Man according to Salvation History (OLD TESTAMENT)
1. Man is the masterpiece of God
-Man is the Image and Likeness of God.
Man – mirror of God / “mirrors” God
God is loving – Man is loving
God is just – Man is just
God is good – Man is good
2. fundamentally good/innately good
• goodness is at the core of man’s being
3. God’s partner / “co – creators” of God(danger:People as God)
How: a.) in pro-creation (go ye & multiply)(Gen: 1:27)
b.) in developing nature (includes himself)
- perfecting nature
- development with ethics
- domination with morality
- development without morality = destruction
4. Weak/wounded/ - has the fallen nature
(can be tempted)
- theologically called _____________________.
5. Brother’s keeper
C. Man Accdg. to New Testament
1. We = sons and daughters of God/children of God
Jesus = is our brother
God = father
We belong to the family of God through ___________.
2. Man – Designed for the Kingdom
D. Man according to PCP II – man is the subject and the
Object of morality.
ACTIVITY: QUESTION: What does your nature has to say /do to your actions?
What are your ultimate goals in life?
How are your going to attain these goals? Ex.
Accdg. to the following:
1. Oriental view
- to submit oneself to the cosmic force
flow of cosmic force = will control you and your destiny
2. Hedonists:
ult. Goal: Happiness
- found in pleasure (sensual)
3. Marxism / Communism
ult. Goal : Classless Society.- to help promote the interest, progress, and development of the state.
danger: you can sacrifice the individual for the state
4. Atheistic Existentialism (by Jean Paul Sartre)
man: radically alone/ separated from society
- Why be concern of society?
- Why be concern of pollution?
Man’s life – is nothing
5. Nihilism:
Man and his life has no ultimate meaning.
6. Bradley
ult. Goal = self-realization
actualization of your potentials
7. Theistic (Anselm and Thomas A. etc.)
ult. Goal: the Highest GOOD The possession of God, or
God is man’s ultimate end
and the highest good – called Christian Ideal.
8. Stoicism (zeno)
ult. Goal: the highest good which is the happiness that
comes from morality.
9. S. Kierkegaard
Ult. Goal : Authentic Existence - to live in the present
not in the past (history)
nor in the hope of the future.
: be yourself- not fall in trends and the crowd.
10. Idealism :(E.Kant)-he based on different ethical systems,
Ult. Goal : Supreme Good – the most perfect world where
Men are happy and desire to be happy.
: Holiness – the most perfect but humanly
unattainable and it basis itself on the belief in the divine aid.
11. S.Freud.
Ult. Goal : “Pleasure principle” – Happiness = Pleasure
Libido is the cornerstone of the problem of happiness. There is no golden rule. Everyone must find out for himself how he can be happiest in this world.
12. Cynicism.
Ult. Goal:The Highest Good – which is the simple enjoyment of happiness.
(renounce worldly comfort and exercise self-control)
13. Christian view:
ult. Goal: Eternal union with God (in the kingdom), (perfection of yourself and the world)
ACTIVITY: QUESTION: How does your view of the ultimate goal of
Life affect your view of morality?
: Does your view of the ultimate goal of life match
Or coincide/fits the nature of man? Yes___or No____?
Why? _______________________________________________
: Do all the ultimate goals of life/man mentioned above
Fits or suits the wholistic nature of man? Explain.
MORALITY – a science that deals/concerns with the “quality” of human acts/actions. (goodness/badness)
Morality accdg. to various authors:
1. Franz Bockle
Morality: concerns with free human conduct and is guided by revelation (sacred Scriptures, bible)
(that human conduct should be good to attain Destiny)
norm: ______________________
2. Antonio Sertillanges
Morality: Science of what man ought to be by reason of what he is. (ought- a thing that you should become based on your nature, reason of what he is = nature, he is human).
norm: _____________________
3. Michael Pennock:
Morality: Saying “YES” to God
norm: _____________________
4. Karl Marx
Morality: Regulation of the individual’s behavior in relation to society/ common good.
5. Utilitarianism
Norm – utility : If one administers to the temporal welfare and happiness of society. If not then one
is bad. One is bad if it hinders or obstruct the
happiness or temporal welfare of society.
= a thing is good if it works, it is useful if it promotes the good of society, if it gives good result.
= a person is immoral if not perform a role for the society.
6. Moral Positivism: (a defective norm of morality)
Norm : Law of the State : is the basis / source of all
moral law. An action is good if
conforms to the law of the state, if not then bad.
7. Pragmatism
Norm : practicality/workability – something is good if it works
8. Subjective Morality : Norm for moralizing the act depends
very much on the subject.
9. Objective Morality : Norm : objective norms
10. Intrinsic Morality : Norm : Nature of the act.
11. Extrinsic Morality : Norm : Outside the person/act.
12. Ethics of Being : Norm :
- your being /nature defines your actions
-presupposed that you know your being.
13. Ethics of Doing : find out and do actions that will lead
you to what you should be/become./destiny/being
Moral: Latin: Mos/moris: means: custom
Moral: good
Immoral: not good/bad/evil
Amoral: neither good nor bad (acts of man)
Ex: anger (passions)
Ethics: Greek: ethos: means custom
* A custom makes our actions right or wrong
Ethical: good
Unethical: not good
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