
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Theo II - Handout for Finals

Ash Wednesday
- start of the Lenten Season
- Fasting -

- -Abstinence –

- ash -

- cleansing of the temple by Christ
 Temple was transformed into “market” – gain money.
“This is the house of my father” Christ = son of God

- Deeply Theological / Religious matter / Religion
Israelites’ view: Christ is contradicting and destroying their faith
to YHWH, their O.T. religion (later called Judaism)

Problem of the Jews: More People were Believing in Christ; their O.T.religion will be destroyed /no belief in Yahweh.
 So they look for ways to put Christ unto death.

- Jesus is different from Yahweh – because Jesus is a son of Joseph.
-They can’t accept Christ as the Messiah because of their different concept (expectations.)about the Messiah: from the royal family, a mighty military leader, Kingly who will fight the enemies of Israel and establish the Kingdom of Israel – it should be “God” (very powerful one). Like King ___________.

Enemy of Christ – power of evil/sin, slavery of sin,
Human sinfulness, sin.

 Man’s lack of compassion
- one great cause of sin and slavery

- Jesus was tried and sentenced by the “Roman Procurator” from the following charges/accusations.
 (The charges were deeply Theological but they made it political in order to put Christ to death).

1. Incited the people to revolt.(against Romans)
2. Opposed to pay tribute to Caesar (Emperor)-worship-son of god/divine
3. Claimed to be the Christ (Messiah) – King
SANHEDRIN – accused him as “Blasphemous Man”
HERODIANS – accused him of “Dangerous and Subtly subversive revolutionary”
PHARISEES – accused him of “inciting people not to pay taxes”
SCRIBES – accused him of “his ignorance & liberal approach of the law”
Triumphal entry into Jerusalem: Jesus as the King entered Jerusalem.( What were their “pompom” in welcoming Him?)
What’s the difference of Christ with the other human Kings? Ex:the king in a chess game.

- re-enacted on Holy Thursday Peter’s reaction:_______________
- work of a servant ___________________

Jesus – master – doing the work of a servant
Message: true leadership is shown in humble service.

- where Jesus instituted (established) the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

Holy Eucharist (symbolic in the highest sense) / Agape / Breaking of
The bread
-commemorates Christ giving himself for the salvation of people/forgiveness of sins.

- done in memory of the past event so that you let the effect of the past event takes place/ take effect in our present time.

Christ was only tempted 3 times in his life. Yes or no?

What does the cup symbolize? _______________________________________

How much did Judas receive in order to betray Christ? ___________________________

Scenes:1.Triumphal entry 2.washing of the Feet 3.Last supper
“Pompom” “Wewet” -_______ “bading”-______

Place: ___________________
Temptation:__________________________ Cutting of neck to ear surgery
Christ’s experience/ state: “bold star”

5. Sanhedrin
High priest: __________________
Caiaphas Words?Principle:___________________________________
3x denial:who _______ his reminder of his denial: __________

6.P.P_______ 7. King kong _________ 8. P.P
- the 2nd and 3rd
Sorrowful mystery
- Washing(hands)
- “ Amnesty”program

9.Carrying of cross 10.Calvary 11. tomb.
__________of cyrene soldier’s faith ________of Arimatea

12. Resurrection /empty tomb
Woman : ____________________________ “noli me tangere”
Apostle: ___________________________

Why was there a need to go to P. Pilate when they have the Sanhedrin? _________________________________________________________

INRI – Iesus Nazarenus
(Jesus the Nazorean King of the Jews)

Another term for Calvary: __________________

What do they give/offer to the thirsty crucified one and why? __________ or ______________ for _________________________________

Purposes of The Roman punishment of Crucifixion: - to put a person to shame, suffering, and death.

What happen in the temple when Christ died? ______________________

What will they do to be sure that the one being crucified really died before they leave him?_______________________________________
What did they do to Christ? And why? _____________________________

Who requested the body of Christ to be brought down from the Cross before evening or sunset comes and why? __________________________

How was the tomb of Christ being prepared? _______________________

- death penalty for the Roman Empire for Criminals.

1. Last Supper
2. The Agony in Gethsemani
3. Jesus is condemned to death
4. Jesus is scourged and crown with thorns.
5. Jesus carries the cross
6. Jesus falls
7. Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry the cross.
8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.
9. Jesus is stripped off his garments.
10. The forgiven thief.
11. Mother Mary and the beloved disciple at the foot of the cross.
12. the death of Jesus.
13. Jesus is laid in the tomb.
14. The resurrection of Jesus.

14 Stations
- to be with (experience) Christ’s suffering and death.


1. Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing._
2. This day you shall be with me in paradise.____________________
3. Woman behold thy Son, Son behold thy Mother.__________________
4. My God, My God why have you forsaken me.
5. I thirst! __________________
6. It is consummated/finished ____________________________
7. Father into your hands I commend my spirit____________________

 “Eloi, Eloi Lama Sabactani”

7 Last Words
- to contemplate/meditate on Christ’s suffering and death.

What feast of the Jews did Christ die on the Cross? ______________
What is the significance of that feast for the Jews? _____________
For us Christians, what is the significance of Christ’s dying on that feast of the Jews? __________________________________________

How can you/we be included in the passion, death and resurrection of Christ when that happened 2002 years ago? Or how can you be included in that salvific/saving act of Christ when you are born after that event/incident? By:___________________________________
Who told you to do such? ______________


- whipping of oneself in public as a form of PENANCE

3 Stages:
a. As a punishment
- 4th century
- scourging: a punishment for delinquent clerics
- feature of monastic discipline
b. Form of voluntary penance
- mid-11th century
- natural development from penal form

a. Expiation of personal sins and sins of others
b. Self-conquess (self-fulfillment)
c. Impetration of Divine Graces and favors
d. Conformity with Christ
- martyrs – regarded as closest to Christ

- acting as Christ

- room where Christ had his last supper.

SENAKULO – “Drama” operatta Pasyon
- dramatization of the life of Christ especially his passion, death
and resurrection.
- familiarizing (being in) ourselves with the life and Passion and death of Christ.

Senakulo – encourages/moves us to a deeper conversion.

-pabasa : _______________________________________________

Holy Thursday
1. Washing of the feet
2. Holy Eucharist
Visita – Iglesia (visit at least 7 churches)

Cyborium or monstrance

Good Friday
1. Stations of the Cross
2. Flagellation – flagellates
- acting as Christ’s
3. Senakulo (Drama)
4. 7 Last Words

What will you practice on Good Friday( same with ash wed)?
______________ and _____________________
- its purpose:
1. To meditate/reflect on the life, passion and death of Christ (for our sins) (To be with Christ Experience, Christ suffering and death for us.)
2. Will encourage/move us to deeper conversion (change)
3. so that these will lead to a meaningful celebration of Easter (Christ giving us new life)

Black Saturday / Easter vigil
Blessing of Oil and Water
-Water : symbolism – O.T. – cleansing, bring life(Gen 1-2),
Deliverance(exodus), saved Noah’s family
- N.T. Baptism of Jesus – New Israel, new Adam,
New era, messiah.
- Baptism of Christians – new life, new birth

Renewal of Baptismal vows

- Oil : symbolism –for healing, anointing- to anoint heads of guests
- Anointing : anointing of Kings, prophets and priests
: God’s sweet continuous presence

Prophet - Jesus Christ. These are all taken by Christ

So those who are anointed (during baptism)also carries the three responsibilities : Kingly – service, Prophetic – to preach and
Priestly – to offer spiritual sacrifice.

Paschal Candle – symbolizes (Light)-Jesus as the Light of the World.

Paschal Mystery – means the passion, death, and resurrection of
- center of our faith

What is being narrated in the Liturgy during Easter vigil?

Easter Sunday
- done at dawn of Easter Sunday.
- Meeting of the sorrowful mother with his resurrected son.
- Message : _______________________________________________

Who was the woman who first saw the empty tomb of Christ? __________
Question: Which should be more festive? Christmas or Easter?
What can Easter do to Christmas?

Negative: Reminds us of the ugliness/evilness of sin – can cause poverty, suffering and death. Sin is shameful.

Positive: Cross – symbol of God’s saving love, symbol of our salvation, victory, triumph over sin and death

Death of Christ: two Views:
1. Political view
- execution of a non conformist revolutionist by the Romans.
Christ = Criminal.
2. Apostolic Faith/View
- it was an accomplishment of Christ’s mission from the Father. (To save us by dying on the cross as prophesied in the Old Testament.)

O.T. Theology
- Christ saves the world as a sacrificial lamb. (offered sheep for sins, peace offering)

At present, this is no longer “effective” or appreciated view (as if God is a Blood Thirsty God) Theologizing (critique)Christ should have been offered immediately after his birth.

3rd View (Present Theology of Christ’s Death)
- Christ’s death is a consequence of his work as a liberator of men from all sort/kinds of oppression – from outside or inside the human person.

- Christ died as a priest and the victim (offered himself)

-confirmed all the words and deeds of Christ that Christ is really the Messiah/son of God, Divine. He renewed the Old covenant and
created a new one.

-Christ’s resurrection is the source and principle of our future
Resurrection. The Ground of our Christian Faith. the source
Of authority of the Christian community leaders.

What happened to the Apostles when Christ was arrested, tried, till his crucifixion?_________________________________________________

What event regrouped the apostles or made them come together again and stay as one? ______________

Christ’s appearances : - to the group without the doubter __________
- to the group with the doubter
- to the two walking
- to peter where he asked peter’s commitment
- he asked them to go and preach, baptize
People, forgive sins, etc.

NO RESURRECTION – no faith in Christ /no Catholics/no church/ no USL/ no Theo 2.

Strictly or theologically, what image should be at the center in front of every Catholic or generally every Christian Church? _______________________________.

Resurrection is a trans-historical event. Beyond the control of time
and space. No one claimed
to have seen how it happened, no one can describe
or explain it. Although they saw the empty tomb.

The Risen Christ is a Glorified Christ; cannot be controlled by time, space; cannot be overcome by death.

The Risen Christ continued to be with his apostles, he commissioned them to teach all people what he had taught them. After his ascension, he continued to be with them through the Holy Spirit.

Christ’s descent to the dead means : in Adam, all will die and
In Christ, all will come to life.
Christ’ Ascension
- meaning : Christ’s exaltation, sovereign authority and power
over all creation and history.
: Jesus’ exaltation into the heavenly realm of his
: He ascended so the Holy Spirit will descend and
Remained with us(Church) forever.
: gives us hope of one day entering God’s glory with

The Risen Christ saves us through the following:
- re-imaging God a our Loving Father.
- grounding our inalienable self-worth in God.
- grounding the dignity of every human person.
- Clarifying the authentic hierarchy of values in life.

How does Christ touch our lives today?
- through the Inspired Words (Bible)
- through the Sacraments
- through the Church ( Community of disciples)
- through the Holy Spirit dwelling in us(Our guide and inspires us

Father : Giver of life, creator
Son : gives meaning to life, redeemer
Holy Spirit : moves, inspires us to go to the Father through Christ.

The Cross: some interpretations :
- Vertical part :_________________________________________________

- Horizontal part :_______________________________________________

Historically, what they carry is the horizontal part of the cross.

Didache -

Kerygmatic -

-1. A Faith Response
2. Like the master, runs the risk of being opposed
3. Walks the way of Jesus
-cares for the mother earth, cares for neighbors,
Cares for culture,Live a life of Service and Contemplation.
* see discipleship in the midterm topic.

Mary : the Model of Discipleship

: the name Mary in Hebrew is Miryam, means “the exalted one”.

: She played a great role in God’s plan of saving humanity.
-She gave her total YES to God to be the mother of the savior
: She is the first disciple of Jesus.

: Mary, the first to be evangelized
- She submitted her whole self to God, believing his word,
Trusting his power, and obeying his will.

: Mary, the first evangelizer
- She put into reality her faith response in her proclamation of the MAGNIFICAT.

Magpakatao ( Becoming Human)
- a Call to Christian maturity
- a great responsibility
- a process
- it follows stages like infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood.

In theo. 3, you will learn how God assists us in becoming human through these different stages by giving us his graces through the seven sacraments which follows our stages of growth in our journey to God.


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