
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Theo IV - Handout for Finals (incomplete)

God : creator
- owner/ giver of life
Wo/Man – steward of creation
- take care of creation and himself

The Christian View of man is Whole

Other views of man: dualistic
Body – flesh (sarx)
Soul – spirit (pneuma)

Some consider the soul as imprisoned in the body and the body is the source of evil
Example: The desire of the flesh opposed to the desire of the pneuma and two are opposed to each other.

Christian View: Body and Soul = man - image of God
Everything God created is good

Incarnation shows that the body and soul are good/sacred
Example: Body/self = temple of the holy spirit

Bodily Life and Health – good, sacred, gift of God

Bodily Life and heath/ health: complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well being

I. Man’s duty to care it; through the following:
1. Nourishment – food
- All foods are good
- needed: temperance – right amount of food for your body and health
2. Housing, shelter, clothing
3. Recreation and Sports
4. Stimulants and drugs – here temperance is greatly emphasize
Do not abuse: ex: marijuana
: cocaine
: barbiturates
: hashis
: morphine
: heroin etc.
Some stimulants: intoxicating drinks
- tobacco
- tea
- coffee
- cola

Smoking: hazardous to health

Amputations or removal of organs like kidney, etc..?

= allowed if it disturbs the health or endanger the whole body and they don’t serve their purpose

Example: They are useless like damaged uterus, etc.

- Physicians have moral duties and responsibilities
- Patients have moral rights and duties. Ex: cooperate

- Transplantation of organs – like kidney etc is allowed- if no change in the identity of the person, not allowed organs of animals to man.

Sterilization, castration – allowed if great danger to health and life.

- Sexual reassignment is not permissible, the reason for the desire for such is psychological
Treatment: a. Psychotheraphy
b. Personal counseling

- Artificial insemination – never allowed(Remedy adoption)

. Suicide
. Murder
. Euthanasia
. Abortion

. Indirect killing
. Indirect Abortion

Rules to follow:- Follow the rule of proportionate reason

Self-defense = allowed on the following conditions:
1. the aggression must be unjust
2. the aggression must be actual
3. the defense must be limited to the means which is needed, follow proportionate reason.
4. use limited/minimum violence


Sexuality = whole composition of the body whether male or female
= wholly good/sacred
Sexual Love = is willed by the creator
= human value
= wholly good

Purpose of sexuality:
In the sacred Scriptures
A. Old Testament
1.procreation (Genesis 1:28,29)
2.Companionship (Genesis 2:18, Tob 8:6)
The two flesh become one = suggest Monogamy
3. Education of Children/welfare of family

B. New Testament
1. equality between man and woman/no domination
2. chastity: against fornication
3. virginity – (Mt. 19:11 ff, Cor. 7:8; 25-26)
one reason is for the kingdom
Man: Masculine: active, outgoing, assail
Feminine: receptive, protective
- has the greater fortitude to endure
- Each has its own strengths and weaknesses
- the two are complementary
- no domination of the other
- no unnatural and align imitation of the other sex

sexuality – sexual love, conjugal love (husband and wife), sacred, in the context of a family
- family – sacred
- marriage – sacred covenant

1. Maintain the sacredness/welfare of the family
2. birth control

I. Natural family Planning (church)

1. Calendar rhythm/method
(Abstinence, discipline, respect)

II. Artificial (Contraceptive(abortive) – against morality)
1. Tubal ligation
2. IUD
3. Vasectomy
4. Condom
5. Pills

Against marital sex, against the dignity of the human body, sex and family
Lev. 19:27 lev 18:22
Jer: 5:7 lev 20:13
Sir: 9:6 Rom 1:22-23
Deut: 23:17 I Cor. 6:9-11
Amos: 2:7 I Tim: 1-9-ff
Mt. 15:19 Gen. 19
Mt. 7:21-23


Premarital Sex masturbation
Concuvinage phornography
Adultery adultery sexual fantasy
Rape necking
Incest petting- to arouse

Mastery of sexuality = control or master your sexual life, does not mean to suppress it.
- Find the proper channel of sexual energy

A. Modesty = practice the sense of shame in the realm of sex Ex: practice modesty in dressing, Conversation, Mass media etc.

B. Chastity = purity of sexual life (in single, Celibate, Married life)

Violations against Family
1. Incest = sexual intercourse between persons who are closely related by blood or affinity
2. Petty Jealousy= fosters groundless suspicion regarding the partner’s faithfulness and suppresses friendships beyond the family circle.
3. Polygyny = marriage of one man to two or more women at the same time
4. Polyandry = marriage of woman to two or more men at the same time
5. Genocide = killing one’s relative

Violations against Life
1. Suicide = direct taking of one’s life done on one’s own authority
2. artificial Insemination and IVI = impregnation not by means of natural intercourse, but by means of mechanical, artificial aids, e.g. a syringe, used for the transfer of sperm
3. Abortion = removal of the non-viable human being from the mother’s womb by human intervention, whether by killing him before removal from the womb or whether by exposing him to a certain death outside the womb.
4. Euthanasia = also called mercy – killing, commonly means the intentional killing of a tormented, incurable patient by lethal agents or means.
5. Murder = killing of an innocent even if by authorization or order of the state authority

Violations against Sex
1. Homosexuality = is a persistent, predominant erotic attraction to persons of the same sex which is often coupled with sexual activity
2. Prostitution = if sexual intercourse is offered for money
3. Adultery = sexual intercourse between two partners of different sex of whom at one is married
4. rape = sexual intercourse with a woman against her consent
5. bestiality = act of having sex with animals.
6. Paresthesia – using objects.

God’s Grace is always there assisting you to live
A morally upright Life but God still respects your
Freedom.His grace is free but it is take it or leave it.

May we always try our best to follow Jesus Christ the
Perfect model of Christian Morality.

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